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9th Grade

World Languages Award

4.0 Honor Roll

President's Award of Academic Excellence



  • Violin


  • Utah State Treasurer

  • Chapter founder

  • Chapter president

  • Facilitated a state-wide leadership conference

  • 9th place nationally in Leadership Strategies at National Conference in Atlanta

  • Inducted into the Technology Honor Society

  • Won two first place awards at the state conference

Mock Trial

National Junior Honor Society

  • Student Officer

National Academic League

March for Our Lives

  • Ambassador for Utah

High School Democrats of America

  • Utah Vice Chair

The Progressive Teen

  • Staff Writer


  • Texting Team

  • Spanish Translation Team

10th Grade


  • Chapter Officer

  • Utah State Secretary

  • Facilitated a state-wide leadership conference

  • Attended the National Conference in Washington DC

  • Won ___ awards at the state conference

Model UN

National Honor Society

Yang 2020 Campaign

  • Email Response Team

  • Texting Team

Pete 2020 Campaign

  • Utah Outreach Volunteer

Utah Democratic Party

  • High School Caucus Chair

High School Democrats of Utah

  • Vice-Chair


  • Translation Team

  • Texting Team

  • Data Entry Team

The Progressive Teen

  • Staff Writer

March for Our Lives

  • Ambassador for Utah

  • Head for NUAMES

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