9th Grade
World Languages Award
4.0 Honor Roll
President's Award of Academic Excellence
Utah State Treasurer
Chapter founder
Chapter president
Facilitated a state-wide leadership conference
9th place nationally in Leadership Strategies at National Conference in Atlanta
Inducted into the Technology Honor Society
Won two first place awards at the state conference
Mock Trial
National Junior Honor Society
Student Officer
National Academic League
March for Our Lives
Ambassador for Utah
High School Democrats of America
Utah Vice Chair
The Progressive Teen
Staff Writer
Texting Team
Spanish Translation Team
10th Grade
Chapter Officer
Utah State Secretary
Facilitated a state-wide leadership conference
Attended the National Conference in Washington DC
Won ___ awards at the state conference
Model UN
National Honor Society
Yang 2020 Campaign
Email Response Team
Texting Team
Pete 2020 Campaign
Utah Outreach Volunteer
Utah Democratic Party
High School Caucus Chair
High School Democrats of Utah
Translation Team
Texting Team
Data Entry Team
The Progressive Teen
Staff Writer
March for Our Lives
Ambassador for Utah
Head for NUAMES